Axel Heyenga
Industry Strategy Director: Digital Experience


About The Session

Positioning for Digital Agility in the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is in continual transformation, and the impact of 2020 has been an acceleration of the digital transformation already underway. In this session Axel Heyenga, Director of Industry Strategy for Automotive with Adobe, will look at pre-covid trends of 2020, how the industry reacted to the crisis and what the new reality is for the industry.  We will focus on customer engagement and dealer integration as well as the urgent need for a digital-first strategy.  We are also pleased to present first party research commissioned by Adobe in partnership with eConsultancy, and will make the research available to all attendees post-event.

About The Speaker

As Industry Strategy Director in Automotive, Axel drives and leads the global Automotive Strategy & Go-T-Market at Adobe, helping the Automotive Customers excel in their work. Working with all of the best Brands in Automotive, I have the opportunity to see and actively help Executives to get the latest on how to build outstanding and differentiating Experiences for their Customers.