How to Bridge the Gap between Automotive Marketing and CX Delivery


Ali Fawaz, General Manager & Senior Director, Worldwide Automotive chairs the VOC track at TLS Automotive CX Summit Series June 18-20th and will describe the trick to driving business from digital channels such as Google’s local pack and automotive review sites is to ensure your customers become local advocates by delivering the best-possible experience.

Automotive CX Summit — Get Inspired: The Power of Great Experiences!


Customer Experience is now the #1 business differentiator and companies are transforming their businesses through CX Management as they anticipate massive changes in the industry due to emerging technology and new entrants that are redefining how consumers shop, buy, own, use, and drive. The Automotive CX Summit addresses both the technology required to digitize and automate CX business processes and the strategies required to leverage data, customer insights, and cultural change.

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