What Delegates Are Saying
“Great summit – very informative.” President, DCH AUTO GROUP
“Loved the flow of speakers and their content.” Director, Dealer Sales SOUTHEAST TOYOTA
“Lots of new ways of thinking presented – I strongly recommend the Summits.” GM Online Business BMW FINANCIAL SERVICES
“Great to see real world experiences included in the presentations.” Senior Manager, Business Development EBAY MOTORS
“Very valuable experience – highly knowledgeable speakers.” Head Marketing Communications CHRYSLER
“Excellent speakers and insights. Great to see a mix of OEM and Dealer presentations.” Executive Vice President COSTCO AUTO
“Enjoyed the fantastic variety of speakers.” Director Social Media FORD DIRECT
“Very easy to interact with my peers in an exclusive group.” Director – Digital Marketing HYUNDAI CAPITAL AMERICA
“Thanks for developing a forum for sharing best in class thinking.” VP – Marketing LITHIA MOTORS
“Many of the presentations were fresh takes on the mindset needed to win with customers today. I appreciated their candor.” Global Automotive Strategy Lead PINTEREST
“A concentrated and massive dose of automotive and mobility digital transformation insights over 48 hours. Can’t get that anywhere else.” Vice President, Global Industry Market Leader – Manufacturing, Automotive PEGASYSTEMS
“These conferences just keep getting better each year with relevant content and presenters. This is among the top automotive Digital and Emerging-tech conferences in the industry.” General Manager OEM and Strategic Relationships DOMINION ENTERPRISES