Hyatt Regency Long Beach, CA

June 17-18th



Bill Cariss President & CEO HOLMAN STRATEGIC VENTURES Bill Cariss began his career at Holman Enterprises at ARI in 1984, and held many executive positions. He joined the retail operations in 1996 as Executive Assistant to the President of Holman Enterprises and went on to become Vice President of Dealership Operations in [...]

Jeremy Beaver | Chief Executive Officer | DEL GRANDE DEALER GROUP


Jeremy Beaver CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DEL GRANDE DEALER GROUP Jeremy was born and raised in the Bay Area, attending Leland High School, he started early in the automotive business at age 16 working as a customer service representative at a local Dodge store. He spent 5 years there learning the business and [...]

Robert Zeinstra | GM, Global Sales Support | Best in Town International – TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION


Robert Zeinstra GM, Global Sales Support | Best in Town International TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Bob is currently the General Manager, Best in Town International - Based in Plano, TX USA leading a team of experienced professionals to provide consulting services and digital knowledge/learning transfer for 180 Toyota global distributors and affiliates.  As [...]

Rebecca Caldwell | Vice President, Future Products and Integrations | FORDDIRECT


Rebecca Caldwell Vice President, Future Products and Integrations FORDDIRECT Rebecca Caldwell is Vice President, Future Products and Integrations at FordDirect. In this role, she is responsible for data integrations, data services, integrated product platforms, market intelligence, and innovation. Before assuming this role at FordDirect, Rebecca developed a deep knowledge for FordDirect’s product [...]

Joe Haley | National Manager, Marketing Strategy & Operations | KIA AMERICA


Joe Haley National Manager, Marketing Strategy & Operations KIA AMERICA Joe Haley is the National Manager, Marketing Strategy & Operations at Kia America. Leading vehicle launch strategy & marketing operations, his team works through the research, data and insights that inspire launch communications. He also leads marketing operations including the collaboration of [...]

Kevin Frye | Marketing Director | JEFF WYLER AUTOMOTIVE FAMILY


Named as one of the top 5 influencers changing the auto industry today by Automotive News, Kevin has been a leader with auto subscription, Google Analytics, and digital retailing – to include buying 100% online. Kevin was a Naval Aviator for 8 years, flying over 200 combat hours in Desert Storm.  He has used the leadership skills he learned in the Navy to keep the Wyler Family at the front edge of automotive eCommerce.

Doug Eroh | President & General Manager, LONGO TOYOTA | President, PENSKE MOTOR GROUP


Doug Eroh President & General Manager | LONGO TOYOTA President | PENSKE MOTOR GROUP Doug Eroh has 24 years of experience in the automotive industry including OEM, financial services, and retail experience. Doug joined Penske Motor Group (PMG) in August 2015 as Executive Vice-President.In this role, Doug was responsible for developing new [...]

Allen Levenson | Former Head of Sales, Marketing & Brand Analytics, Chief Data & Analytics Office | GENERAL MOTORS


Allen Levenson FORMER HEAD OF SALES, MARKETING & BRAND ANALYTICS, CHIEF DATA & ANALYTICS OFFICE GENERAL MOTORS Allen Levenson has a 30-year track record of scaling automotive, consumer and retail businesses through data and advanced analytics/AI, sales and marketing, digital transformation, and M&A. Following his recent retirement from General Motors, Allen is [...]

Nathan Hollenbeck | Vice President | Marketing | DGDG


Nathan Hollenbeck Vice President | Marketing | DGDG Nathan started his career in 2006 at a local Mitsubishi dealership and by the end of 2007 was running the Internet Department. In 2008, Nathan left the Automotive Industry to pursue his real estate license and a career as a Loan Officer. After a [...]

Katie Garren | Chief Financial Officer | SIMMS AUTO GROUP


Katie Garren Director of Marketing & Business Development SIMMS AUTO GROUP Katie Garren started in the automotive industry as a receptionist while going to college, not knowing it would be her career. She continued to work through different positions while earning her degrees. After completing her MBA at California Statue University, Northridge [...]

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